RE: [ Creed Discuss ] Looks like michele won the cookie <eom>

From: "Debbi" <>
To: "'The New Improved Less Lame List'" <>
Date: Mon
8 Jul 2002 11:49:56 -0700

well, she's just an idiot
he's making conversation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimberly Reid []
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [ Creed Discuss ] Looks like michele won the cookie <eom>

Look, Joe, there was a lot of potential for confusion on the old list with all of the Micheles, the MAD people, exactly who was and was not Scott (some even thought Stapp) or stalkers of said person(s); so you're gonna start over here with calling everyone Missy and not knowing who Kim is?  (I think someone even said Greg was Keith or something to that effect.....)

----Original Message Follows----

Excuse the heck out of me, missy, but I don't group my messages by
conversation. It's easier to ask questions than to search for answers - the
web-surfing public at large has taught me that lesson and I think it's a
damn fine one at that! :-P

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